Also Known As: Behavior Management Plan, Behavior Support Plan, Positive Behavior Support Plan 

Parts of a Behavior Intervention Plan

When creating a BIP, the first step is fact-finding to describe the problem behavior in measurable terms, with examples. It takes a look at the setting and events in the student’s life that may be associated with the behavior. It examines the likely precipitating events for the behavior, likely consequences, and also the contexts in which the behavior doesn’t occur. These are then validated with the functional assessment. Replacement behaviors are chosen. Then the data is used to create the BIP document. It should include:

Target behaviorsSpecific goals that are measurableIntervention description of how it will be doneWhen the intervention starts and how often it will be doneMethod of evaluationPersons responsible for each part of the intervention and evaluationData from evaluation 

The document is approved by the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) team, which includes the parents and school administrator as well as any of the staff who will be involved in implementing it. Parents should be involved in each step in developing the plan. Then the plan is implemented. You may want to propose a behavior plan of your own for your child—particularly if you have a good relationship with your child’s teachers and IEP team.

Sample Behavior Intervention Plans

Aggressive behavior Bipolar disorder Disruptive classroom behavior Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)

Using a Behavior Intervention Plan

When a behavior plan is agreed to, the school and staff are legally obligated to follow it. If the school and staff do not follow it, the consequences of the behavior should not be inflicted on the student. Behavior plans fall under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), but it still may take some vigilance and advocacy from parents to ensure that everyone involved follows protocol and takes the interventions into account. Remember, the BIP is a legally binding document that must be implemented at your child’s school. Don’t always assume that the plan has been explained to every teacher and staff member at your child’s school. Confirm your child’s BIP with your IEP team or take it upon yourself to distribute copies. As your child grows, develops, and changes classrooms and schools, the BIP will need to adjust, too. It’s not a “set it and forget it” kind of thing. Even small changes like a new classmate that riles up your child may require some new behavioral strategizing as they get older.