Still others are working hard to offer students a mix of the two by creating a hybrid learning model. That’s an arrangement where students attend school a few days each week and engage in distance learning on the other days. While the hybrid model seems like a best-of-both-worlds approach, it’s not without risk. Here, we’ll examine this unique approach to learning, and let you know what you can expect if your child’s school district opts for a hybrid learning model for the 2020-21 school year.

Here’s What Hybrid Learning Might Look Like 

The most common hybrid scenario, says Aki Murata, author of “Reopening Better Schools: Unexpected Ways COVID-19 Can Improve Education,” will see students attending class in person two days each week and engaging in distance learning on the other three days. This allows schools to more closely follow social distancing guidelines by essentially splitting their student body in half, and having kids alternate which days they attend school in person. No matter what hybrid model your school district comes up with, it’s bound to be a bit more confusing and hectic than years past. And there’s no doubt your kids will return to a school environment that’s nearly unrecognizable from what they’re used to. But, these are not normal times. Far from it. Schools will face major challenges in welcoming students back to school amid rising COVID cases in most states. Social distancing will be a requirement, which means desks will be spaced far apart, kids may stay in one classroom all day, even for lunch, PE and even recess, and masks will be required for students of all ages. But regardless, “the hybrid model is the best offer to get back to school in the middle of uncharted waters,” says long-time teacher Anne Armstrong. She explains, “Kids need school. Teachers need kids. But sadly, the pandemic is not over. Because of that, the hybrid model is the only way to return to school at this point.”

Pros of a Hybrid Learning Model

If done properly, a hybrid learning scenario can be beneficial for everyone involved. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently stressed the importance of in-person learning for kids, citing reasons like social and emotional skills, physical exercise, access to mental health support, regular meals, internet access and counseling. A hybrid model allows for those things, even if only for a few days each week. Another plus about the hybrid model is the socialization kids will get. “Kids have been in the house without much socialization for many months now,” says Lindsey Wander, founder and CEO of WorldWise Tutoring, LLC. “Many are desperately looking forward to going back to school, and the hybrid model allows for at least a little of that experience they’re craving.” What’s more, there’s a host of known benefits to in-person learning for kids who struggle with ADHD or other learning disabilities.

Cons of a Hybrid Learning Model

Opponents of the hybrid model tend to focus on the shortcomings it creates for working parents who rely on all-day school to alleviate the burdensome cost of daycare. With kids in school only two or three days each week, what are working parents to do? Those who can afford it will likely turn to quality daycares or in-home settings that may be able to assist kids with schoolwork on their distance learning days. Others may opt for pricey camps or groups of friends (a new term that’s popped up during the pandemic called “learning pods”) to fill the days while they work. But low-income families are likely to struggle the most with this inconsistent schedule, and may be forced to leave children largely to their own devices if both parents have to work outside the home. Another unintended consequence of a hybrid schedule is the potential for more community spread, rather than less. Instead of kids being exposed to the same small group of peers like they would if they attended school five days each week (assuming practices like distancing and mask wearing were employed), the hybrid model will likely expose each child to several different groups of people each week. Consider a child who goes to daycare on each of their “off” days. Not only are they exposed to every child in the school class, but they’re also exposed to every child in their daycare room, who each in turn are exposed to their own school classes. And in most larger towns and cities, there likely wouldn’t be much overlap between the kids in class and the kids in daycare. Similarly, when kids are in camp or other group settings on their off days, it sets the scene for greater exposure to the virus. Finally, it’s important to note that if your kids start the school year in a hybrid learning model, there’s a good chance that they could be switched to distance learning if there’s a COVID outbreak in their school or even in their larger community. “Schools with hybrid learning in place may have to shut their doors again in a few weeks due to spikes or outbreaks in COVID. I suggest that all parents prepare for the very real possibility of Plan B, which is fully remote e-learning," says Wander. The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page.