In fact, studies show that pet ownership may benefit kids in a number of ways. Pets can help decrease stress and can even help children develop social and emotional skills. And although research on human-animal interaction is still relatively new, initial studies have shown that pets can reduce cortisol levels, decrease loneliness, boost mood, and increase feelings of social support. If you are considering getting your kids a pet—or if you are being lobbied relentlessly by your kids to adopt an animal—you may be wondering if all that added responsibility will really be worth the time and effort. After all, how much will your kids really benefit from having a pet? The number of ways a pet can positively impact your kids—and you—might surprise you. Yet, pet ownership is not something that should be entered into lightly. Here we break down what experts have to say about the benefits of pet ownership as well as what you need to consider before making the decision to adopt a pet.
Benefits of Pet Ownership
If you’re considering adopting a pet, you are certainly not alone. Around 70% of households have at least one pet and 90% of those people view their pet as a member of the family, according to Rustin Moore, DVM, PhD, the dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University. Even when kids around ages 7 and 8 are surveyed, they rank their pets higher than their family members as providers of comfort and as confidantes, says Dr. Moore. So, while you might see a pet as a lot of extra work, a child sees a pet as a potential best friend and family member. Not surprisingly, all of this extra love and affection results in a number of benefits. Here are nine ways your kids might benefit from pet ownership.
Reduces Stress
Life can be stressful especially for kids and teens. With academic challenges, friendship struggles, and even pressures to succeed, kids are often dealing with a lot. But a pet can serve as a great stress reducer. Aside from the love and companionship they instinctively provide, there are physiological changes that take place within a child when they are petting or playing with their pet. “Interacting with a pet has been shown to decrease the stress hormone cortisol and it increases the release of dopamine and oxytocin, which are anti-stress or feel-good hormones, particularly oxytocin,” says Dr. Moore. “We see this happen when holding or petting or even just being around a pet.”
Alleviates Loneliness
Pets often serve as built-in friends—except these furry friends are the best kind. They never do anything that hurts your child’s feelings nor do they exclude them or ignore them. Consequently, having a pet also can alleviate loneliness, especially for kids who struggle to make friends or do not have many children in their neighborhood. “During this time of increased social and physical isolation for many around the globe, having a pet can also reduce feelings of loneliness and stress through close contact,” says Ann-Louise Lockhart, PsyD, ABPP. Pets not only provide companionship and friendship, but they also can become confidantes for kids who feel like they have no one else to talk to. In fact, it is especially common for younger children to talk through things or share secrets with their pets. When they have a pet, they feel like they always have someone they can talk to.
Builds Empathy and Compassion
Essentially, pets are dependent on humans to take care of them. They cannot make their own food or refill their water bowls. They even rely on others for exercise and entertainment. Because of their dependence on others to take care of them, this often sparks empathy and compassion in kids. Kids learn to look outside of themselves and consider what it might be like to be in someone else’s shoes, even if that someone is a pet. Parents can use pet ownership as a way to teach kids about the importance of respecting other forms of life, says Dr. Moore. They can talk about how their pet might feel when it is ignored or forgotten. Or, they might discuss how it feels to be hungry or cold. Getting a child to stop and think about another form of life is the first step in building empathy and compassion and pets are a great way to impart emotional intelligence.
Improves Reading Skills
Learning to read is no easy task, especially for kids who are reluctant readers. Once a parent or another adult asks a child to do their nightly reading, they are often filled with a sense of dread. They worry about everything from identifying letters and sounds to pronouncing words correctly. But if you ask a child to read to a pet, some of that stress and anxiety disappears, says Dr. Moore. Plus, kids get excited about reading to their pets because it doesn’t feel like work. They will show their pet the book’s pictures and talk about the story with them. Reading to their pet becomes something they look forward to. “There are even programs where children will go and read to dogs or cats,” explains Dr. Moore. “And of course, the animals can’t understand what they’re saying, but the act of reading to them builds [the child’s] confidence and allows them to practice their skills.”
Provides Unconditional Love and Acceptance
When a child grows up alongside a pet, there is no fear of judgment or rejection. Children know that their pet loves them no matter what. They don’t care what they are wearing, how they look, or how popular they are. They love them exactly as they are, which is an important part of pet ownership. “Dogs are called man’s best friend for a reason,” says Kevin Doyle, MD, a pediatrician with Muskingum Valley Health Centers. “Pets provide a big opportunity for companionship and comfort and allow kids to break away from their dependencies on mom and dad for comfort. Animals provide another level of comfort and acceptance for them.”
Teaches Responsibility
Every parent knows that teaching kids how to be responsible is not an easy task. After all, it’s hard to get kids to remember to grab their lunch before school, make their bed, or even brush their teeth. But owning a pet is a great motivator for teaching responsibility because now kids have another living creature depending on them to take care of them. Kids will also learn that owning a pet is not something that can be taken lightly and that it is a big responsibility. In fact, kids will learn quickly that there are a lot of tasks that come with owning a pet, says Dr. Doyle. “Whether it’s cleaning the litter box, walking the dog, or even caring for a gerbil, owning a pet provides an opportunity to teach kids responsibility,” he says. “These lessons in responsibility will benefit them later in life as well.”
Builds Self-Esteem and Confidence
Owning a pet takes a lot of work. But if you allow your kids to participate in the chores that come with pet ownership, they will develop a sense of accomplishment after completing each task. Taking care of a pet also can help them build a sense of independence and autonomy especially when your kids are mature enough to handle those extra responsibilities on their own. Additionally, the relationship they develop with their pet along the way helps them see themselves in a positive way and can even give them a sense of purpose. Ultimately, their relationship with their pet builds their belief in themselves and helps hone their social and emotional skills as well.
Promotes Exercise
There’s no doubt about it: pets will get you out and about, especially if you opt for a dog or even a horse. So, if you are an active family or one that enjoys the outdoors, you might want to consider a pet that fits into that lifestyle. Pets also can help active kids burn off energy and get sedentary kids up and moving. “Pets offer several benefits to children like high energy, which can help children burn off extra energy through play both indoors and outdoors,” says Dr. Lockhart. “Having a pet can also encourage the child to exercise outside through activities such as walks and hikes.”
Eases Anxiety
According to Dr. Moore, pets also can help ease symptoms of anxiety. For instance, researchers have found that when a child has been abused, having a dog there while talking to them about what happened can be calming and make it easier to share their experiences, he says. Likewise, attorneys will sometimes even have a dog in a courtroom because of the way it can calm and reassure kids and ultimately encourage them to share what happened. Stroking the fur or holding the animal has an overwhelmingly calming effect on kids. For this reason, there is a growing movement toward emotional support animals, Dr. Lockhart explains. “It has become clear that pet ownership impacts various mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and autism,” she says. “Individuals who are struggling with medical conditions, such as seizures, tics, chronic pain, and other conditions have anecdotally reported benefits from pet ownership. I know this from my own practice working with clients who present with various chronic medical conditions.”
What You Need to Consider Before Getting a Pet
Before taking that first monumental step into pet ownership, it’s important to do some research about pet ownership, says Dr. Lockhart. It’s also important to consider the factors that make pet ownership beneficial—and challenging—for your particular family. Think about your home life, the type of animal you want, the age of your children, and your overall lifestyle, she says. “For example, do you live in a high rise or a home with a big yard?” Dr. Lockhart says. “Are you a physically active family or homebodies? Do you have only one child or several? Do you rarely go out or travel often? Answers to these questions can begin the dialogue of whether your family is ready for a pet and what type of pet would be best for your home.” Aside from loving the pet and making room for it in your lives, you also need to be committed to its care which can include exercise, feeding, training, and vet care. “Consult a vet in choosing the right type of pet for your family,” suggests Dr. Moore. “If you live in a small apartment and have no room for exercise, getting a Great Dane is probably not the best idea. [Keep in mind, too, that if] you choose a pet and it’s the wrong one and you have to relinquish it, that can be particularly hard on a child,” says Dr. Moore. He also suggests talking to a healthcare provider as well as a veterinarian to determine what type of animal is right for your family. They can help you determine what types of animals—including breeds if you are considering a dog—would be right for your family. “For instance, if you have a child who is immunocompromised, you will need to take precautions,” says Dr. Moore. “Talk to a vet as well as a pediatrician. They understand the diseases that can be transferred to a child or an adult. For example, ringworm can occur in both dogs and humans. Even though it’s not that common, you need to know what types of things can be passed on and how to protect yourself and your kids.” Getting a pet also should not be an impulsive decision, adds Dr. Doyle. Deciding to adopt a pet should be something that the family researches and carefully considers. “This is a big decision and parents need to make sure they are taking the right steps to keep everyone safe,” he says. “Getting a pet also is not a substitute for good parenting. Whether it’s a pet, a tablet, or an informational video, you still have to put the legwork in.” Yes, owning a pet offers some great learning opportunities but you shouldn’t get a pet and then dump all the responsibility on your kids, he says. As a parent, you still need to come alongside them and make sure everything is going right between them and their pet.
A Word From Verywell
Whether you are one step away from adopting a pet or just beginning to consider the idea, you can rest assured that pet ownership comes with a number of benefits. The key, of course, is to talk with a healthcare provider as well as a veterinarian before making any lasting commitments. They can provide details that you may not have even considered. You also should discuss your specific circumstances including any health concerns, your time limitations, and your environment before adopting a pet. They can help you determine what type of pet would be best suited for your family as well as advise you on any precautions you need to take.