Your time only
Two rights might not make a wrong, but two truths and a fib can make for a lot of fun! With this group activity, each player takes turns offering up descriptions of two events that actually happened (like, “I went to school on Thursday and had a science test,” and “We had nine homework questions in history”). They also have to create one, shall we say, less-than-accurate statement (“During recess my right shoelace came undone.”) It’s up to the other players to separate the facts from fiction and identify the “untruth” by asking good sleuthing questions. When everyone has had a turn and the fibs are uncovered, change the challenge to find the truth from two or more fibs. If players are stumped during the questioning process, the inventor of the truth/fib set can give subtle body language hints, such has raising one eyebrow or twiddling thumbs during questions relating to a fib. Aha, so your left ear twitches whenever you make your statements. What does that mean?